Paper Shredding services Perth
Secure & Reliable Solutions
Ausshred provides paper shredding services in Perth, we have secure document destruction for each of your needs, Security Bins, Schedule Contract services, and more.
Prepaid Paper shredding Bins Services perth
Our 240L secure paper shredding Bin is delivered in Perth and removed every four or two weeks.
Simply order and receive your security bin, fill it up with all your documents then have it picked up by our professional police-checked staff and we’ll take care of document destruction for you securely.

Paper Shredding services Perth
The importance of document shredding cannot be overstated. Document destruction helps protect your company from potential leaks and allows employees to keep personal information safe.
A commitment to shredding documents with confidential information is also an opportunity to promote your business as one that respects the privacy of clients, employees and suppliers. This can be an important selling point in any business that deals with personal and sensitive information.
The Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) regulate how organizations collect, use and disclose personal information. APP 6 places limits on the sharing or releasing of this type of data when it has been appropriately de-identified – meaning that if an organization can show they have purged all identifying features from their records before providing them to someone else then there is no law stopping him/her openly share those details with others who do not know any differently!
How It works